How to Pick a Circle Lock

Circle locks are a common type of lock used in both residential and commercial settings. Although they may look complex and difficult to open without the key, picking a circle lock is actually quite easy. With the right tools and technique, you’ll be able to unlock the lock quickly and safely.

Steps for Picking a Circle Lock

  • Step 1: Gather the necessary tools. Before you start picking the lock, you’ll need to have the right supplies. The necessary materials include a tension wrench and a pick. Professional locksmiths may also use a special circle rake or circle pick.
  • Step 2: Insert the tension wrench into the bottom of the lock. Once you have all the tools, insert the tension wrench into the bottom part of the lock. This will put tension on the pins inside so that they don’t stick when you’re manipulating them with the pick.
  • Step 3: Insert the pick into the top of the lock. With the tension wrench in place, you can now insert the pick into the top of the lock. You’ll need to be very gentle and careful as you do this, as using too much force could damage the pick or the lock.
  • Step 4: Manipulate the pins. Once the pick is in place, you’ll need to carefully manipulate the pins inside the lock to unlock it. You may need to jiggle the pick around slightly to get the pins to move.
  • Step 5: Unlock the lock. If you’ve done everything correctly, the pins should move into the correct positions and the lock should open with a satisfying click. Congratulations! You’ve just picked a circle lock.

Picking a circle lock may seem daunting at first, but it is actually quite easy once you get the hang of it. With the right technique and tools, you’ll be able to open the lock in no time. Best of luck!