How to Pick a Master Lock

If you’ve ever been stuck outside your own house, office, or any other locked area, then you know just how frustrating it can be to have to search for the lost key. The most reliable solution to the situation is to pick the lock – but if the lock is a Master Lock, then it can be a bit trickier. Fortunately, it is possible to pick a Master Lock with a few items commonly found in your home.

What You’ll Need

  • A tension wrench
  • A pick
  • Patience

For starters, you’ll need to get your hands on a tension wrench and a pick. A tension wrench is a long, thin piece of metal that is inserted into the lock alongside the pick. The tension wrench is then used to apply pressure on the bottom of the lock in order to move the pins and allow the pick to move freely in the cylinder.

Steps to Pick a Master Lock

  1. Insert the tension wrench into the bottom of the lock and apply pressure.
  2. Insert the pick into the top of the lock and move it around, feeling for the pins.
  3. Once a pin is felt, gently push it upward with the pick until it clicks.
  4. Continue doing this until all the pins are set.
  5. Turn the tension wrench to unlock the Master Lock.

Once you’ve done this, you’re ready to try and pick the Master Lock. The process is fairly straightforward – all you have to do is insert the tension wrench into the bottom of the lock and apply pressure while you insert the pick into the top of the lock and move it around, feeling for the pins. Once a pin is felt, gently push it upward with the pick until it clicks. Continue doing this until all the pins are set, and then turn the tension wrench in order to unlock the Master Lock.

It’s important to note that it can take a while to successfully pick a Master Lock, so you’ll need to be patient and persistent until you’ve managed to get it open. With a bit of practice, however, you should be able to get the job done in no time. Good luck!