How to Pick a Round Lock

Picking a round lock is one of the most common tasks for a locksmith. Not only is it one of the easier types of locks to work with, but it is also one of the more common types of locks found in residential and commercial locations. If you’re wondering how to pick a round lock, the following steps can help you get started.

Step 1: Get the Proper Tools

The first step in picking a round lock is to get the correct tools for the job. These can include a tension wrench, a flat-tip screwdriver and a pick set. The tension wrench is a thin piece of metal in the shape of a “T” that is used to hold the pins in place while you work. The flat-tip screwdriver will help you turn the tension wrench, and the pick set will help you to individually manipulate the pins within the locking mechanism.

Step 2: Insert the Tension Wrench

The next step is to insert the tension wrench into the keyhole. You will need to place the “T” shape directly on the middle pin of the lock. Apply light pressure on the tension wrench as you turn it gently to the right. This will move the pin to the correct height.

Step 3: Insert the Pick

Once you’ve positioned the tension wrench correctly, you’re ready to start inserting the picks. Start with the first pin – it should be the closest one to you. Insert the pick up into the keyhole and apply light pressure to the pin. At this stage, the pins should move up and down bumping against the sidewall of the keyway. When you feel one of the pins bump up, that will tell you that it is in the correct position.

Step 4: Move Down the Pins

Next, you’ll want to move down the pins one by one. Each time you move down a pin, you’ll want to turn the tension wrench gently in the same direction. This will move the pins in the correct order. Once you’ve gotten all of the pins in the correct order, you should be able to turn the tension wrench further to the right and open the lock.


Picking a round lock is a relatively simple task that can be completed with few tools and a bit of patience. If you follow the steps above, you should have no difficulty picking this type of lock. As always, it’s important to use caution when picking a lock. If you aren’t sure of what you’re doing, it’s always a good idea to call a locksmith to handle the job for you.