How to Pick a Desk Lock

Picking a desk lock is a useful skill to have when you need to gain access to a desk or cabinet that’s been locked. Whether you’ve lost the key or the key is missing, having this skill can save you time and money in the long run. But to pick a lock, you’ll need a few key tools and some patience.

Tools You’ll Need

The basic tools you’ll need to pick a desk lock include lock picks, a tension wrench, and a pocket flashlight. A lock pick set typically includes several picks, each with a small hook or tip for manipulating the pins and levers of the lock pick. For a tension wrench, a dental pick or paper clip can work.

Step by Step Instructions

  • Make sure you’ve pulled out all the drawers and emptied out the desk or cabinet to give you plenty of room to work.
  • Position a flashlight in the top of the keyhole to provide light to help you to pick the lock.
  • Insert the tension wrench into the lower part of the keyhole. This should make it easier to manually turn the pins inside the lock.
  • Insert a lock pick of your choice into the upper part of the keyhole. The pick should fit comfortably in the hands.
  • With a slight gentle forward pressure, gently pull the pick backward and slightly upward. This will allow the pins in the lock to move freely, releasing the internal pressure.
  • Continue picking the pins from bottom to top until all of the pins have been released. The more experienced you are with lock picking, the less pressure you’ll need to use.
  • Once all of the pins are released, the tension wrench should be able to turn the cylinder and unlock the desk. Twist the wrench one direction and then the other, and the lock should open.

Safety Considerations

It’s important to note that choosing and professional lock picking should only be done for legitimate reasons. If you have permission from the owner of the desk to pick the lock, proceed. However, if you do not have authorization, you might be guilty of breaking and entering, which is illegal and could result in criminal charges.

Also, be aware that picking a desk lock could damage the lock itself. If you’re successful in unlocking the desk, it’s usually best to rekey the lock with a new set of pins before using it again.


Picking a desk lock with the right tools isn’t difficult, but it can take some practice to perfect the technique. With the right technique and tools in hand, you can easily pick a desk lock to gain access to any desk or cabinet.