How to Pick a Circular Lock

Circular locks are an increasingly popular way to secure your belongings as they offer an additional layer of security over traditional cylinder locks. The process of picking a circular lock may appear intimidating, but with the right information and a few basic tools, you can become an expert at this intriguing skill.

Tools Needed

  • A tension wrench
  • A lock pick
  • A magnifying glass (optional)


  1. Insert the tension wrench into the lock and apply torque.
  2. Press the pick firmly into each of the slot sections in the lock.
  3. Listen for the click of the lock releasing as you apply pressure with the pick.
  4. Turn the tension wrench once the lock clicks open.


  • The pick should be moved in a gentle sweeping motion during each attempt.
  • A magnifying glass can be used to get a better look at the lock mechanism.
  • The tension wrench should be inserted in reverse for lock picking.


  • Do not put too much pressure on the pick as it could damage the lock.
  • Always respect someone else’s property and only open locks that you are authorized to open.


With a bit of practice and the right tools, picking a circular lock can be done quickly and with minimal effort. It can also be a fun, rewarding form of artifice to learn and master. As long as you exercise caution when attempting to pick a lock and always respect others’ property, you can become a circular lock-picking pro in no time!