How to Pick a File Cabinet Lock

Picking a file cabinet lock can be a difficult and tedious job. If you have a broken key or are trying to open a locked file cabinet, you may be wondering how to go about it. Luckily, it’s possible to pick the lock of a file cabinet using a few simple tools and a little bit of patience. Here’s how:

Gather Your Supplies

The first thing you’ll need to do is gather the supplies you’ll need for the job. You’ll need a pick set, a tension wrench, and a file or grinding stone. Pick sets usually contain multiple picks of different sizes that are used to manipulate the lock’s pins. The tension wrench is used to keep the pins in place while you work. The file or grinding stone will be used to sharpen the picks if needed. It’s also a good idea to have a flashlight handy to help you see inside the keyhole.

Insert the Tension Wrench

Once you have all your supplies, the next step is to insert the tension wrench into the keyhole. You should feel a slight resistance when you do this. This is normal and indicates that there is tension on the pins inside the lock. You’ll also want to use a light pressure while applying the tension wrench to help keep the pins in place.

Find the Right Pick

Now you’re ready to start picking the lock. Start by inserting one of the picks into the keyhole. As you do, you should feel each of the pins moving. You’ll need to find the right pick for the right pin. Take your time and be careful not to apply too much pressure, as it can cause the pins to break.

Continue Working the Lock

Once you’ve identified the right pick for each pin, you can start working the lock. Do this by gently lifting each pin until it reaches the shear line. Once all of the pins are set, you should be able to turn the tension wrench and open the lock.

Other Ways to Open Your Lock

If you’re still having trouble unlocking your file cabinet, you may consider using a locksmith or other professional. A professional locksmith can generally open locked file cabinets quickly and efficiently using specialized tools and techniques. There are also some devices on the market that can help pick certain locks, such as padlocks.


Picking a file cabinet lock can be a tricky task and should only be attempted with the right tools and patience. By following the correct steps and taking your time, you can successfully pick the lock of a file cabinet and keep your documents secure.